Robert Melton's Writings

AI Markdown (AIMD): The Game-Changer for Developers

Disclaimer: We’re not calling this “embeddings” because that term is already overloaded in the AI world, and “markup” is off the table since AIML (AI Markup Language) has been a thing since the days of A.L.I.C.E.

Alright, folks, buckle up because the tech world is about to get a serious shake-up. We’re talking about a shift so profound, it’s like the internet revolution of the ’90s all over again. And at the heart of this seismic change is how we, as developers, approach programming and scaling our code. I’ve been around the block a few times, chasing down ideas like Alan Kay’s take on DSLs and thinking I had it all figured out. But boy, was I wrong. The real game-changer? AI, baby.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “AI? Isn’t that just a bunch of fancy party tricks?” But hear me out. AI is so much more than that. It’s like having a genius sidekick that can break down complex problems into bite-sized explanations. And when it comes to saving developers time and making our lives easier, AI is the ultimate wingman.

Take code comments, for example. We all know writing detailed comments for functions can be a real drag. It’s like having to explain a joke after you’ve already told it. But with AI, we’ve got a solution. It can analyze our code, figure out what’s what, and generate spot-on explanations without breaking a sweat. The only problem? This approach is static, and in the fast-paced world of AI, standing still is the same as falling behind. Plus, keeping these comments up-to-date is like trying to nail Jell-O to a wall.

But fear not, my fellow code warriors! There’s a new sheriff in town, and it goes by the name of “AI Markdown” or “AI hooks.” This isn’t just some fancy jargon we threw together to sound cool. It’s a fundamental shift in how we integrate AI into our coding workflow. By weaving AI into the compilation or documentation phase using a Markdown-like language, we unlock a whole new level of awesome:

  1. Always in Sync with AI: AI is moving at breakneck speed, and by embracing AI Markdown, our code stays in lockstep, always fresh and relevant.
  2. AI Tailored to Your Needs: We can fine-tune AI to better understand the context of our projects, making its insights more accurate and actionable.
  3. Keeping It Human: We maintain human-friendly instructions, which is right in AI’s wheelhouse these days.

Sure, there are a few bumps in the road – costs, unpredictability, and some processing lag. But trust me, the payoff is astronomical. We’re not just talking about smarter documentation; we’re talking about a complete paradigm shift in how we write and think about code.

Now, I know you’re itching to get your hands dirty with the nitty-gritty details. The key is a straightforward Markdown-like language that allows us to seamlessly integrate AI into our code. To minimize any slowdowns, we’ll run this bad boy before compilation.

Mark my words, someone is going to crack this code wide open, and it’s going to send shockwaves through the industry. It might be yours truly, or it might be someone else. But one thing’s for sure: I’m diving in headfirst with my current project, an automated proposal generator. I’m weaving this AI code-gen step right into the development process, and I’m not looking back.

Keep your eyes peeled for more updates from yours truly. I’ll be dishing out the details, the triumphs, and even the face-plants. Because let’s face it, we’re on the cusp of something monumental here. This isn’t just about coding smarter; it’s about redefining the entire game. And if that doesn’t get your coding juices flowing, I don’t know what will.

So, buckle up, buttercup. The AI Markdown revolution is coming, and it’s going to be one hell of a ride. Get ready to have your mind blown and your coding skills taken to the next level. The future is now, and it’s time to embrace it with open arms (and a solid supply of caffeine).

def foo(bar):
    # AI:template generate_docstring
    # AI:context function
    # AI:target inline-above
    # AI:param insertModificationDate=True
    ... the code ...

Generates output like:

def foo(bar):
    :param bar: The Bar object representing the bar food
    :return: The ID of the generated document.
    The `foo` method applies a template representing bar foods
    # AI:template generate_docstring
    # AI:context function
    # AI:target inline-above
    # AI:param insertModificationDate=True
    ... the code ...

Want to get really meta? Instead of inline-above, try replace to have AI Markdown remove itself after working its magic.

So, what are you waiting for? Join the AI Markdown revolution and let’s show the world what the future of coding looks like!